Wood&Art is located at Forsæti.
Drop us a line (best) or call +354 894 4835 to book a visit.
Click here to see a few pictures.
About Wood&Art
Wood&Art is an active workshop and gallery that is both preserving and adding to the history of craftsmansship and inventions on an ongoing basis.
The gallery is an old barn that the couple Olafur and Bergthora remodeled in their spare time. The process from idea to finish took about four years. In Wood&Art you will find various pieces of art but also an old workshop with tools, machines and inventions. Wood&Art is located at the farm Forsaeti in the county of Floahreppur. From 1922 the same family has lived on this farm, who begun the now ongoing story of craftsmanship. Wood&Art has hosted art and craft exhibitions of various kinds and regularly new pieces of art are added. Wood&Art opened 8/19 2007.